You can't have the family farm without the family.

Savannah Ridge Farms is a first-generation family owned farm located in Indianola, Illinois. We produce Certified Organic Crops Row/Small Grains along with a Grass-Fed Yak Herd.

Our focus is to provide clean, nutritious food to our surrounding communities in conjunction with educating consumers on where and how their food is grown.

Our Yaks.

The yak herd is 100% grassfed and raised on certified organic pasture on our family farm in East Central Illinois. Our animals do not receive antibiotics or hormones and are humanely raised and harvested.

Farming is a family affair.

Savannah Ridge Farms has evolved over the past four decades, however, the Bailey Family continues to be strategic stewards of God’s land by the humane treatment of His animals.

All the Yak FAQs

What is a Yak? What does Yak meat taste like? Check out our FAQs page to learn more about Yak herds.